Lowback exercises and stretches
The following are a series of exercise can decrease lowback pain. There are specific exercises that help with lowback pain related to disc herniation, mechanical lowback pain, stenosis, sciatica, lowback muscle strain. They are all low impact however it is advised to receive a thorough assessment and diagnosis to ensure completing the appropriate exercises and attaining results from with the following videos.
Stretches to decrease morning lowback pain and stiffness. 5 second holds 5 reps.
Mobility drill to decrease lowback pain and improve rotational movement control. 5 times each side 3 positions.
An active stretch to increase hamstring flexibility and range of motion of the hip. Stretch for 20+ sec then contract for 15+ sec.
The hip hinge is a foundational movement that requires the ability to differentiate movement between the hips and low back.
This exercise is designed to help strengthen and coordinate the posterior myofascial line. Make sure to brace the core so there is no hyperextension of the lowback. 5x/side.
Mobility drill to decrease lowback pain and improve movement control. 3 times in each direction.
Mobility drill to decrease lowback pain and improve general movement control. 3 times each direction.
An active stretch to increase hip flexor mobility and range of motion of the hip. Stretch for 20+ sec then contract for 15+ sec.
This exercise helps to differentiate between lowback and hip movement and improve muscular endurance. Hinge up and down from the hip 10x.
This exercise is designed to improve strength and tissue tolerance in lowback flexion. Start with no weight and only add weight under the advice of a professional. Start with 12-15 reps
Mobility drill to decrease lowback pain and improve movement control in the sagitall plane. 3 times up and down in 3 positions.
Mobility drill to decrease hip pain and improve movement control. 3 times each direction.
Progressive angular isometric loading to improve internal rotation of the hip. stretch for 20+, lift off for 15+.
Another exercise to help differentiate lowback and hip movement as well as strengthen the hip. Hinge up and down from the hip 5-10x/side.