Movement as Medicine
If you’re an existing patient you’ve heard me talk about the importance of movement to death but this is because more and more research is finding that movement, from fidgeting to low impact aerobics to interval training can prevent disease, ease symptoms and reverse chronic disease.
The following is a list of a few of the conditions that are benefited by movement:
Arthritis – Even though movement can be painful at first, studies show that symptoms can be alleviated by 40% (1). Start slow and modify activities if they are too uncomfortable. Talk to a healthcare professional if you are concerned about where to start
Exercise can reduce your risk for developing metabolic conditions including type II diabetes (2).
Sitting for too long increases risk for dying early by accelerating the build-up of plaque within arteries (specifically coronary) (3). As little as 25 minutes of moderate activity can offset the effects of sitting.
Even five minutes of walking every hour during your work day can improve mood, reduce lethargy and improve overall health (4).
1. Physical activity for Arthritis -
2. Benefits of physical activity -
3. All-cause mortality attributable to sitting time -
4. 5-minute walk breaks during work hours can re-energize employees -